Title: Message
 >  Hmm?  Well isn't that like saying that sitemaps are "proprietary" 
Well yes, but there's a big difference between coding your business logic in a proprietary non-portable solution and configuring a  pipeline.  By staying away from XSP I can switch away from Cocoon to a servlet environment with a couple of days worth of coding (although I'll loose a lot of flexibility).
>  to Cocoon.  XSP, to me, provide a valid and useful function.  They  
>  allow me to develop generators with a *minimal* amount of Java  
knowledge (which, sadly, is my situation); as far as possible I  
>  avoid using it (except for simple if/then statements and the odd  
> calculation) but it makes a very useful wrapper for ESQL which, 
if you are working with databases, is a *must have* (IMO) 
That's all very good.  You just need to be aware of the trade off you are making: lower learning code in Java for reduced portability.  If that's not an issue for you then full speed ahead...
None of this changes the fact that it's very possible to code a complex Cocoon app without touching a line of XSP...

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