As was already mentioned, it's a long-standing IE bug that should have been fixed years ago. (MS pledged full PNG support back in the days of IE 4.)

One option is creating a specific stylesheet for IE that uses IE-specific markup and styling. The other (one that I prefer) is a piece of JavaScript that, if it detects IE, walks the DOM looking for <img> elements with png references and programmatically replaces them with IE-specific markup without having to edit the source document manually. Just add

<script language="javascript"src="sleight.js"></script>

to your <head> element in the HTML.

The script is here:

One major caveat though: it only works with IE 5.5 and above so your expected clients can't be predominantly IE 5.0. On the bright side, most other manufacturers' browsers work correctly with or without the script.

- Miles

Martin Lüthi wrote:

I generate a SVG and serialize it as PNG with transparent background. In Mozilla and Konqueror everything looks fine (also an Windows), but in IE
5.0 the background of the PNG is white. Is this a browser-specific problem?
Who can point me to a workaround?

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