Well actually I already have some generators running to fetch data from the
database. I have put that data in manually. Now I want to do it dynamically.
Simplicity wise I should use "conventional" forms, but I am not sure if that
is the "right" way to do it.

-- Robert

----- Original Message -----
From: "Niclas Hedhman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 4:39 AM
Subject: Re: XMLForms Versus Traditional HTML forms.

On Wednesday 29 January 2003 11:16, Robert Simmons wrote:
> Greetings. I would like to know what people favor using.
> By my, admittedly limited, knowledge, the traditional HTML forms will still
> work with cocoon as the request will still have access to the data.
> Alternatively if I use XMLForms, I'm not sure how much learning effort Id
> have to invest. I read the XMLForm tutorial at
> http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/howto/xmlform-wizard/howto-xmlform-wizard-3.ht
>ml and am still a but unclear how I define how the form will be rendered.
> Does the user have control over that at all? If I use HTML forms then I
> would be imbedding a form into an XSL transform which would print out the
> form for the user.

Slightly beyond my experience (I also use 'conventional' approach), but I see
it as;

1. The XMLForm generator creates a XML document of the POST request.
2. You can aggregate that with other XML documents, static or dynamic.
3. Feed that to the transformer(s).
4. Output

Meaning, the main advantage would be that you can do a fair amount of logic
the posted request in XSL (XSL is Turing complete, right?), without writing
any Java/XSP code. For some people (those who know XSL better than Java) that
is more power with less hazzle.


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