I want my application to work like the following.
<map:match pattern="xsp/example.xsp">
    <map:generate src="" type="serverpages"/>
    <map:transform src=""/>
1. the serverpages generator accesses a script named "xsp/example.xsp"
Withing this script a session variable named "selected_stylesheet" is set.
<xsp-session:set-attribute name="selected_stylesheet">xsp/example.xsl</.....
2. In the next step i want to transform the generated data using the stylesheet whose path is stored in the session variable.
3. finally i want to serialize and close the pipe.
This one is not working. Cocoon complains about a resource that cannot be found. Actually it can't find  the stylesheet. Its all about coming to the page for the first time. Im creating the session in the serverpages - generator. But somehow the sitemap doesnt get it.
Thats why i did this one right here :
<map:match pattern="xsp/session-test">
    <map:generate src="" type="serverpages"/>
    <map:act type="session-validator">
        <map:parameter name="descriptor" value="descriptors/params.xml"/>
        <map:parameter name="validate" value="selected_stylesheet"/>
        <map:transform src=""/>
the descriptor file looks like this:
  <parameter name="selected_stylesheet" type="string" nullable="yes" default="xsp/example.xsl"/>
I expected cocoon to find out that, when coming to the page for the first time, even if there is no "selected_stylesheet", that it can get the default parameter  from the descriptor and get lucky.
This one aint working too.
What am I supposed to do to make it work ?
Maybe it would be a good idea to create the session earlier, maybe before i enter the pipe but i dont know how to do that.
Thanks in advance


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