Hello Christian,

Thank you very much!

It's good to know that it is impossible. I already guessed that.

I'll write an action and see how it works out.

Bye Heiko :)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Christian Haul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 4:56 PM
Subject: Re: Accessing session variables in the sitemap.xmap

> On 30.Jan.2003 -- 02:56 PM, Heiko Milke wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I want my application to work like the following.
> >
> >
> > <map:match pattern="xsp/example.xsp">
> >     <map:generate src="xsp/example.xsp" type="serverpages"/>
> >     <map:transform src="{selected_stylesheet}"/>
> >     <map:serialize/>
> > </map:match>
> >
> >
> >
> > 1. the serverpages generator accesses a script named "xsp/example.xsp"
> > Withing this script a session variable named "selected_stylesheet" is
> >
> > <xsp-session:set-attribute
> >
> > 2. In the next step i want to transform the generated data using the
stylesheet whose path is stored in the session variable.
> This is impossible because of the order things are actually
> done. (This is becoming a FAQ, too lazy to explain yet again, search
> this list or see comments in sample sitemap.xmap)
> You're better off selecting the stylesheet in an action or an input
> module (not by reading a parameter set by the generator, of course).
> If you deem that too complex, you might be interested to know that you
> can write actions in xsp.
> Without further knowledge it is difficult to suggest the path to
> follow. But if the stylesheet name is obtained from a database, you
> might want to look into the database actions. If it is a simple key
> value mapping depending on a request parameter, you might want to look
> into the surprising things that can be done with input modules.
> Chris.
> --
> C h r i s t i a n       H a u l
>     fingerprint: 99B0 1D9D 7919 644A 4837  7D73 FEF9 6856 335A 9E08
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