I'm trying to pass parameters to an XSP but I'm getting an exception:

unreported exception:
org.apache.avalon.framework.parameters.ParameterException; must be caught or
declared to be thrown

I saw a similar post in the archives but when I tried the recommended
solution it still didn't work, any ideas? Do I have to stick in a try catch?

Thx, Mark


<map:match pattern="test">
  <map:generate type="serverpages" src="util/executeQuery.xsp">
  <map:parameter name="datasource" value="{global:datasource}"/>
        <map:parameter name="xpath" value="/structure"/>
  <map:serialize type="xml"/>


<xsp:page xmlns:xsp="http://apache.org/xsp";
                        String datasource=parameters.getParameter("datasource");
                        String xpath=parameters.getParameter("xpath");
                                        <xmldb:get-xml as="xml"/>

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