Hello Christian,

First, thanks for your help!
I think I've done what you told me concerning the input module. And in fact,
I've just changed the  value of the parameter 'locale', given the
successfull pattern using localeAction:

**** localeAction ***

<map:act type="locale">

<map:match pattern="localeAction">

<map:generate src="documents/participants.xml"/>

<map:transform src="stylesheets/participantsINT.xsl">

<map:parameter name="use-request-parameters" value="true"/>


<map:transform type="i18n">

<map:parameter name="locale" value="{../locale}"/>


<map:serialize type="html"/>



*****input module *****************

<map:match pattern="inputModule">

<map:generate src="documents/participants.xml"/>

<map:transform src="stylesheets/participantsINT.xsl">

<map:parameter name="use-request-parameters" value="true"/>


<map:transform type="i18n">

<map:parameter name="locale" value="{request-header:accept-language}"/>


<map:serialize type="html"/>



but unfortunately, I receive the following error message, that I didn't have
with the preceding localAction:

type fatal

message Unable to locate resource: messages

description org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Unable to locate
resource: messages:
org.apache.avalon.framework.component.ComponentException: Unable to locate
resource: messages

sender org.apache.cocoon.servlet.CocoonServlet

source Cocoon servlet


Is it normal?

Thanks again for your help,



----- Original Message -----
From: "Christian Haul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 4:23 PM
Subject: Re: How can the result of a pipeline be a parameter for a
transformation in another pipeline?

> On 31.Jan.2003 -- 04:07 PM, Cyril Vidal wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I would like to retrieve the language of the user's browser, so that I
> > call the I18n Trasnformer in the right way (by passing the locales's
> > equal to the browser's language).
> >
> > To retrieve the language set up in the browser, I've used the Request
> > Generator, and applied the following simple stylesheet to it:
> Starting with version 2.0.4 you could try
> {request-header:accept-language} for that. See input modules in
> "concepts" and javadocs.
> Chris.
> --
> C h r i s t i a n       H a u l
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