Derek Hohls dijo:
> I have an XSP page, containing ESQL; it works fine on my
> test machine which has a relatively small subset of data,
> but gives errors on the production machine with the full
> database.

OK. I suppose:
  1-You have 5,000+ rows in your current DB.
  2-The code in the XSP page works fine in your develpment machine.

  1-Give more memory to Tomcat and Cocoon.


  Suppose you can give 256 MB to Cocoon. then:

    1-For Tomcat, in TOMCAT_ROOT/bin/


       Also you need to tell Cocoon about that. In cocoon.xconf, search
for store-janitor:

<store-janitor logger="">
     <parameter name="freememory" value="10000000"/>
     <parameter name="heapsize" value="256000000"/>
     <!-- How often shall the cleanup thread check memory -->
     <parameter name="cleanupthreadinterval" value="15"/>
     <!-- Indicates the thread priority of the cleanup thread -->
     <parameter name="threadpriority" value="5"/>
     <!-- How much percent of the elements of each registered Store shall
     be removed when low on memory. Default 10% -->
     <parameter name="percent_to_free" value="10"/>

More recommendations:
  1- Upgrade to Tomcat 4.1.18

Finally Restart Tomcat! I hope it will help.

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo.

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