I'm using cocoon 2.1 and the sunShine Portal Framework and want to use a
dynamic filter with the filter transformer for a sunLet xml-source. I
can not use the parameter from a request parameter, because the url of
the sunLet is static and after every sunLet reload the url comes from
the sunLet configuration (i dont think you can change the resource url
for a sunLet at runtime?). So: how i can put a block parameter in a
filter transformer from a session context i.e. block="{cocoon:/....}"? I
know how to work with sunShine formulars to set and retrieve context
Perhaps it works with the sessionstate matcher with a special
session-attribute, but i don't know how to use it for solving this
        best regards

Dipl.-Psych. Stefan Schneider

Forschungsgruppe Interaktion und Interaktive Medien (IIM)
Fachbereich Psychologie
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen 
Otto-Behaghel-Straße 10/F
35394 Gießen

Tel.:    +49 (0) 641 99 26207
Mobile:  (0179) 480 16 25
URL: http://www.iim.uni-giessen.de

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