Hi guys,

I am a novice user and I need your help with this problem. Following is an excerpt from my sitemap file. Basically at this moment I want the page http://www.google.com to show up when I request the page http://localhost:8080/cocoon/seegoogle 

    <map:match pattern="seegoogle">
       <map:generate src=""http://www.google.com">http://www.google.com" type="html"/>

Now, when I request the page http://localhost:8080/cocoon/seegoogle the browser gives "404 not found error." But strange thing is that when I modify the pipeline by giving the src=""http://localhost:8080/cocoon/">http://localhost:8080/cocoon"  and request the page http://localhost:8080/cocoon/seegoogle, it shows the cocoon welcome page.

So can anybody help me with that?


Asif Talpur

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