
1.) you must be pretty clear, that simply moving your
directories into another folder under webapps wont be the
solution of your problem.

2.) it depends what you want to achieve. the simplest solution
would be to make a sitemap mount. this is done as follows
(i pray, i did no mistake here, shout at me, if its wrong..)

1.) go to your cocoon main folder.
2.) cretae a folder named soundpool
3.) move your xsl xml files to that folder
4.) create a file named sitemap.xmap
    put all that YOU(!) have put into the original
    cocoon sitemap.xmap into this new file

5.) revert the cocoon.xmap in the cocoon main directory
    to its delivery state.

6.) Now edit the reverted sitemap.xmap and add the following:

    a. search for the line <map:pipelines>
    b. directly beneath this line add the following to your sitemap:

      <map:match pattern="*/**">
        <map:mount check-reload="yes"

7.) go to the subfolder soundpool and edit the sitemap.xconf there

    a. at the top of the file add the following:

      <map:generators default="file"/>
      <map:transformers default="xslt"/>
      <map:serializers default="html"/>
      <map:matchers default="wildcard"/>

     im not shure if this is really needed...

8.) Now you can enter on your URL

    and you will get what you want.

Maybe you are seeking for a solution where you can completely
separate cocoon and your soundpool physically. If you want this,
you can by creating a backend webapp soundpool and use cocoon as
frontend webapp, but this is far more complex. I just did this for
a very complex environment. But you have to think twice, if you
really want to do it like that.

regards, hussayn

Richard Cunliffe wrote:

I have just tried the suggestion by Konstantin, which was this:

<Context path="" docBase="cocoon">

This has changed the address, but has not changed the physical directory
that they are in. I am trying to clean up my directories!

I have made a new folder called soundpool in webapps like you suggested,
but what do I need to change in the server.xml. I have found the section
vitual host and have copied it below:

<!-- Define the default virtual host -->
<Host name="localhost" debug="0" appBase="webapps" unpackWARs="true">
<Listener className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.config.ApacheConfig"

Which part of this would I change for it to point it in the right

I am also not sure what you mean by my cocoon's main sitemap is mounting
my soundpool sitemap. The way I have it set up at the moment is that I
have main sitemap in the following directory:


My XML and XSL files are also stored in this directory, hence the need
for some organisation. Obviously I would need to move my sitemap with
the files to there new folder, so how would I my main sitemap mount the
soundpool sitemap?



(By the way I had a quick look on the wiki site, and couldn't find
anything, hence my ask for help here)

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Patrick Freeman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 04 February 2003 15:35
Subject: Re: Directories


Unless I'm wrong (and usually I am :) I think you need to move your
directory "soundpool" to a webapp level and update the virtual host
of your server.xml file in tomcat's conf directory. Your cocoon's main
sitemap is mounting your soundpool sitemap, correct? The cocoon
directory is
already a webapp. You simply need to make soundpool a webapp with its
sitemap and WEB-INF folder, jars, libs, etc...

Something like: C:\tomcat\webapps\soundpool

This really should be documented on Wiki too. Maybe it already is?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Cunliffe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 10:20 AM
Subject: Directories


Cocoon 2.0.4
Tomcat 4.0.6

Can someone point me in the right direction for setting up

For example my current URI and hard disk location looks like this:

If I wanted to change the URI address to this:

How would I change the disk location, and in what files would I need

change for it to direct the incoming request to the right disk

Is there an equivalent to flash guide on this subject?



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SAXESS Software Design GmbH
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