My question is about exception handling in cocoon. I've a transformer that checks the validity of an XML document. If the document is not valid it throws an exception.
When the transformer is after a generator it works well: it throws an exception and the error page is sent to the browser. But if the transformer is after another transformer, it doesn't throw the exception and all the pipeline is executed. However, the exception is logged in sitemap.log. Does anybody know how solve this problem?
     <map:match pattern="UML_MAST_XMI2MAST_XMLresponse">
      <map:generate type="myStream">
       <map:parameter name="file-name" value="mast"/>
       <map:parameter name="validation" value="false"/>
      <map:transform type="xalan" src=""/> <!-- if I add this transformer, the following transformer doesn't work well; if I delete it myValidation transformer works well-->
      <map:transform type="myValidation">
       <map:parameter name="dom-name" value="DBresult"/>
       <map:parameter name="dom-root-element" value="MAST_RT_View"/>
       <map:parameter name="schema" value="mast.xsd"/>
      <map:transform type="xalan" src=""/>

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