> I was debating xml, xslt versus jsp with a colleague. He noted that
although xml, xslt works well in a
> divided graphics/analyst/developer big team, it eventually was scrapped
for JSP. The lack of object 
> hierarchy and polymorphism made changes very difficult. Can anyone provide
tales of xml, xslt in a 
> major production? (sans company name, of course)

We're certainly heading towards having a lot of xml and xslt in production.
Can't imagine doing what we are doing with JSP: we need 100's of customized
variations of any given "screen".  

My reason for replying however is the comment on lack of object hierarchy
and polymorphism.  I'm confused by this: although it's certainly true that
XSLT is not an OO language that doesn't mean it cannot map constructs to OO
languages.  In particular, XML can map OO isomorphically and XSLT can then
traverse this mapping.  Moreover, XSLT  does allow for some many different
types of hierarchy (include, import, modes and priorities) that, although
different than OO aggregation and inheritance can be used in similar ways.
Finally, much XSLT is run without schema/DTD validation which allows it in a
way to support the ultimate in polymorphism: your data can dynamically
change "type".  This last is a bit of a straw man, but let me put it this
way; XSLT is Turing complete, anything you can program in any other language
can be done with XSLT. It's not always easy, but then again, sometimes it's
a lot easier than using JSP...

Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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