> True true, and thank you Peter. I should have clarified, not lack of
object hierarchy and polymorphism,
> but lack of perfect or ...traditional. Some deny a comparison between xslt
and oop languages. My 
> discussion with the colleague was brief; I cannot interpret his experience
perfectly. The serious
> problem apparently was synching xml, xslt with changes in the underlying
object model. 

There are ways to do this automatically as well, both at run time and at
design time.  Perhaps they need to look at something like Castor?  Or, if
your careful your underlying model can be generated from a design that
should be capable of generating XML as much as it is Java stubs...  In such
a model the XSLT is independent of the OO model (running over it, as it

> I drew a parallel with OODBMS, a solution which still defies popularity. 

Yes, we're doing an OO to relational mapping (sigh/shrug).  But there are
reasons for it in spite of what the OODBMS people might try to sell you.

> Meanwhile, Jsp and struts continue to preside over cocoon, much to my
disappointment. It's a hard sell, > while they are an easy sell. No one gets
fired over choosing Oracle, Weblogic, jsp followed by 
> MacDonald's for lunch.

The sell shouldn't be as much Cocoon as it is dynamic UI and/or dynamic data
models...  If you don't expect to _ever_ change your UI and you only have
one of them then JSP makes sense, otherwise you need something else....

Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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