i am running an apache/tomcat/cocoon combination with authentication
driven by tomcat (just setting the correct security-constraints within
the web.xml and adding the right REALM in tomcat/server.xml ...

i did never touch the apache server itself for authentification

And i'm using form based authentification.

regards, hussayn

Derek Hohls wrote:
I am looking for help with configuring an Apache/Tomcat
setup, trying to support a password-protected Cocoon
site that must be accessed by a virtual host name.
The UNIX support has tried to set it up (see below),
but trying to access the site results in an error 302,
which just repeats over and over in the log file: - - [06/Feb/2003:14:11:00 -0200] "GET /cocoon/myapp/index HTTP/1.1" 302 0
and of course the site is not accessible.
Any help with this is *much* appreciated; maybe
a small help file can be added to the Wiki.
The configuration entry looks as follows:

ServerAdmin joe@mydomain <mailto:joe@mydomain>
ServerName myapp.csir.co.za:80
DocumentRoot /usr/local/tomcat/webapps

<Directory /usr/local/tomcat/webapps>
AuthType Basic
AuthName "myappis a restricted area !"
AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/users
Require valid-user

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/(.*) /cocoon/appdir [PT]
WebAppConnection appdirConnection warp server.host.com:8008
WebAppDeploy cocoon appdirConnection /cocoon/


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