Thanks for the reply  - I need to do a number of things:
1. Protect the whole site so it cannot be accessed at all
(except through single login screen) while under development.
2. Create an alias (virtual host) - as seen on many Cocoon
sites - that is easier to remember & work with
3.  I am using form-based authentification for restricted access
*within* the site itself (certain users having access to certain
For 1 and 2 above, I think its most effective to use Apache/Tomcat
services - and for 3 use Cocoon.
If you could supply any code snippets that you think are relevant, I
would appreciate it.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/02/2003 04:58:06 >>>
i am running an apache/tomcat/cocoon combination with authentication
driven by tomcat (just setting the correct security-constraints within
the web.xml and adding the right REALM in tomcat/server.xml ...

i did never touch the apache server itself for authentification

And i'm using form based authentification.

regards, hussayn

Derek Hohls wrote:
> Hi

> I am looking for help with configuring an Apache/Tomcat
> setup, trying to support a password-protected Cocoon
> site that must be accessed by a virtual host name.

> The UNIX support has tried to set it up (see below),
> but trying to access the site results in an error 302,
> which just repeats over and over in the log file:
> - - [06/Feb/2003:14:11:00 -0200] "GET /cocoon/myapp/index
> HTTP/1.1" 302 0
> and of course the site is not accessible.

> Any help with this is *much* appreciated; maybe
> a small help file can be added to the Wiki.

> Thanks
> Derek

> *******

> The configuration entry looks as follows:

> <VirtualHost>
> ServerAdmin joe@mydomain <mailto:joe@mydomain>
> ServerName
> DocumentRoot /usr/local/tomcat/webapps
> <Directory /usr/local/tomcat/webapps>
> AuthType Basic
> AuthName "myappis a restricted area !"
> AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/users
> Require valid-user
> </Directory>
> RewriteEngine   on
> RewriteRule ^/(.*)      /cocoon/appdir [PT]
> WebAppConnection appdirConnection warp
> WebAppDeploy cocoon appdirConnection /cocoon/
> </VirtualHost>
> --
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