Hallo listmembers,

I am using the Cocoon command line to generate static pages from my site. I
was not successful with that, because
every time an action which uses the "ObjectModelHelper.getContext(" method
throws an Exception. (see below)

This ONLY happens during the uses of the CLI, not when I use cocoon through

    Context context = ObjectModelHelper.getContext(objectModel);  <--
NulPointerException thrown here
    context.setAttribute("oberrubrik",  oberrubrik);

Here is the batch file which calls the command line of cocoon.

cd web-inf\lib
subst z: .
set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;z:\avalon-excalibur-vm14-20020705.jar
......all other jarsfrom WEB-INF/lib...
set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;z:\xt-19991105.jar
cd ..\..\..
subst y: .
cd development

java org.apache.cocoon.Main
-Cy:/development/WEB-INF/cocoon.xconf index.html

subst z: /D
subst y: /D

Do you see any errors that could cause this exception?


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