Ok, there is another way. Say you have your top level directories - images, scripts, style - under DocumentRoot, so they are served by Apache. Then, you have specific Cocoon applications forwarded to Cocoon in Tomcat via JkMount's:

JkMount /myapp1 ajp13
JkMount /myapp2 ajp13


Then, in the XSLs that produce the HTML in your Cocoon apps, you just put /images, /scripts, /style for all *.gif, *.jpg, *.js, *.css files. So, nothing will ever get routed thru Tomcat.

Luca is right that is is inefficient to use the pipelines the way I suggest. And in fact, for galatea.com I do just what I suggest above: all my gif, jpg, css and js references start from the root so never get to Cocoon.



SAXESS - Hussayn Dabbous wrote:
Hey, Lajos;

i see we are all very creative people ;-)
Another cool idea how to get around the problem.

The one thing i am *really* uncomfortable with this
solution is the sequence:

1.) browser requests .img
2.) apache forwards request to tomcat
3.) tomcat forwards request to cocoon
4.) cocoon processes and redirects.
5.) apache redirects
6.) browser calls apache
7.) apache serves the file

hmm. performance again ??????

i really would prefer something like:

1.) browser requests .img
2.) apache serves the file

ill need to switch on my hackers-brain-partition ;-)
Thanks again for your answers...

regards, hussayn

Lajos wrote:

Hi Hussayn -

Here is what I do in almost every cocoon app I do:

<map:match pattern="styles.css">
<map:read mime-type="text/css" src="/styles/styles.css"/>
<map:match pattern="**/styles.css">
<map:read mime-type="text/css" src="/styles/styles.css"/>

<map:match pattern="*.gif">
<map:read mime-type="image/gif" src="/images/{1}.gif"/>
<map:match pattern="**/*.gif">
<map:read mime-type="image/gif" src="/images/{2}.gif"/>

Any gif or css (and you can do the same for jpg, js, etc.) gets redirected to the appropriate directory off the webserver root, and hence is served by Apache. So, under Apache's DocumentRoot I have /images, /styles, /scripts, etc., etc.



SAXESS - Hussayn Dabbous wrote:


thats a very pragmatic idea. i like such approaches.
but, hmm... wouldn't this need lots of "static" links
in your pages ???

i mean, you really must point to the myapp-static pages
with absolute links. What about maintenance ... ???

seems as if i need to do it in this way, or let cocoon
serve everything ;-(

Maybe i can plugin something in to apache, or would it be
a big problem to get mod_JK do what i want (hacking ...) ???
I'll go and ask the apache-group ...
and report back, what i get from there maybe in a Wiki ;-) ?

anyway thanks for the tip...

regards, hussayn

Luca Morandini wrote:


I know it is not a smart solution, but it worked for me.

1) Setup mod_jk to redirect everything starting with "myapp" to Tomcat/Cocoon
2) Setup an alias named "myapp-static" pointed to a directory containing your static files
3) Use URI like "/myapp/dynamic.htlm" for dynamic content and URI like "/myapp-static/static.html" for static content

This has the advantage of scaling up well: we have three web-servers serving the static content ("/myapp-static/*") and one
app-server serving the Cocoon-generated content ("/myapp/*").


Luca Morandini
GIS Consultant

-----Original Message-----
From: SAXESS - Hussayn Dabbous [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 6:14 PM
Subject: how can i get static files REALLY been processed by apache ???


When i setup apache/tomcat/cocoon, i run into following
fancy problem. Although what i want seems trivial, but i did not
manage to get it done (I might not know the magic command to get round it)

Here is the problem:

1.) I want all static files been served by apache, i.e.:

*.gif, *.html, *.jpg

2.) I want *ALL* other files be served by cocoon.

Now how should i setup mod_jk.conf ????

this doesn't help:

<IfModule mod_jk.c>
JkWorkersFile /etc/httpd/conf/workers.properties
JkLogFile /var/log/httpd/mod_jk.log
JkLogLevel error
JkMount /cocoon cocoon
JkMount /cocoon/ cocoon
JkMount /cocon/* cocoon

because it redirects everything to cocoon. But apache shall
serve the files mentioned above ...

This is not complete (Indeed it can never be complete):
<IfModule mod_jk.c>
JkWorkersFile /etc/httpd/conf/workers.properties
JkLogFile /var/log/httpd/mod_jk.log
JkLogLevel error
JkMount /cocoon/*.xml cocoon
JkMount /cocoon/*.jsp cocoon
JkMount /cocon/*.foo cocoon

The list could potentially go down endlessly.
There MUST be an obvious solution to this!

Anyone can help me here ?

regards, Hussayn

Dr. Hussayn Dabbous
SAXESS Software Design GmbH
Neuenhöfer Allee 125
50935 Köln
Telefon: +49-221-56011-0
Fax: +49-221-56011-20

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                   Lajos Moczar
    Open Source Support, Consulting and Training
            Cocoon Developer's Handbook

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