I use helpbean logicsheet http://www.oio.de/m/taglib/beanhelp.zip

<xsp:page xmlns:xsp="http://apache.org/xsp";
                <help:useBean id="vm" scope="page" class="Common"/>
                <help:setProperty name="vm" property="path" param="path"/>
                <someTag><help:getProperty name="vm" 


-----Original Message-----
From: Geoff Howard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 19 February 2003 08:45PM
Subject: Re: AW: XSP question

no xbean logicsheet exists in 2.x.  I have seen a start of such from 1.x
but it would be non-functional now.  The advice below should be what you
need, with the obvious understanding that autopopulating fields as you get
with useBean does not exist.

Geoff Howard

At 02:46 PM 2/19/2003, you wrote:
>hi nesto,
>I don't know the xbean logicsheet at all (doesn't seem to be in cocoon <=
>2.0.4), but anyway;
>in the simplest case, the <jsp:useBean> boils down to a variable
>(scope = page):
><jsp:useBean id="myBean" scope="page" class="mypackage.MyClass"/>
>would have an equivalent of something like this:
>                 mypackage.MyClass
>         myBean = new mypackage.MyClass ();
>for the other scopes you have to store/load those variables in/from the
>respective contexts: for session scope it's the session, for application
>scope it's the ServletContext. both have getAttribute()/setAttribute()
>you can utilize.
>hope this helps, in case that xbean logicsheet is not available. you
>eventually might want to take a lookt at the JSP spec.
>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>von Nesto
>Gesendet: Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2003 15:11
>Betreff: XSP question
>Sorry if I repost a question, but I need help!
>I want to convert my JSP in XSP, and I have to reuse complex Javabeans.
>I read in the Logicsheet documentatin that there is a xbean library that
>provides functionallity similar to the jsp:useBean directives.
>But I didn't found much more documentation, and I don't know how to use it!
>Where I can read more?
>Please give me some hint on how "translate" my
><jsp:useBean id="xxx" scope="session" class="yyy.zzz" /> of my old JSP, in
>code for my new XSP
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