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Hello All,

I downloaded the source code for cocoon version 2.0.4, and ran the webapp task to create the war file. I then copied the war file into my web app folder on Tomcat 4.0.4.
However upon stopping and restarting Tomcat several times, it was not able to see the "cocoon" webapp. I then went through the Tomcat log files and found the following message :

HostConfig[localhost] Error deploying web application directory cocoon
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/apache/cocoon/servlet/CocoonServlet (Unsupported major.minor version 48.0)

Now upon going through the user's mail archive, I stumbled across someone who had a similar problem, except that he had the wrong version of the JVM.
However, my JAVA_HOME environment variable points to E:\j2sdk1.4.1_01, which is version 1.4 and greater. Is it possible that Tomcat is using some other JDK version, or JVM ? Please help if you know what the problem is.

Thanks in advance.

Shainal Gosai
Software Developer
W : (011) 5193149
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Cell : 0829018263

Global Technology
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