OK - what does your sitemap look like i.t.o. the
pipeline related to the SVG?  Also, you can try
and display the SVG via an <object> tag embedded
in an HTML page...  I have never tried with "pure"
SVG and I know IE is sometimes very sticky about
displaying non-HTML files (eg. to get a PDF output
to work I had to use a .pdf extension in the URI?!)

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 24/02/2003 07:47:31 >>>
Thank you for the reply!

I have an application that generates SVG files (well-formed XML).  I am trying to pass the "pure" SVG file to the Cocoon svg2jpeg (or svg2png) serializer and on to the client (IE).  I'm using IE ver 6.0 w/ SP1.


-----Original Message-----
From: Derek Hohls [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 11:15 PM
Subject: Re: JPEG/PNG IN IE???

Are you trying to deliver "pure" SVG or are you
embedding it is an object in HTML page (and, if
so, how) - also, what version of IE are you using?

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 24/02/2003 07:36:09 >>>
Ok...I'm trying to get cocoon to deliver (serialize) and (SVG) XML
document.  It works okay in Netscape and Amaya (except the sides are
"cut off".  But in IE (6.0) I just get a white screen with the little
"x" in the corner...

I checked the archives but didn't see the same problem...Any Ideas?

Thank you,

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