Hello, again.

Replying to myself but still haven't found a good explanation...

The *.news.xml docs I mentioned in my previous message are Docbook articles.
All of them have the doctype declaration for the Docbook article DTD:
<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"

I removed the declaration and everything went fine.

I thought that maybe it was trying to validate the articles and retrieving
the DTD remotely, but I switched to a local copy of the DTD and the problem
is still the same.

By now, I have removed the doctype declarations, but this is just a quick
workaround. I do not know what's going on...still investigating...

Any help is appreciated.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Josema Alonso" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Cocoon-Users" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 1:43 AM
Subject: cinclude transformer VERY slow

> Dear all,
> I'm playing around with the CInclude transformer and the Directory
> for aggregation in latest 2.1(within the included Jetty engine). I've
> this way and not the Aggregate one cause I want the included files to be
> dynamically select.
> Anyway, each time I request the URL, the pipeline gets executed correctly
> but it takes ages to render the result. I only have three very very small
> files (700 bytes) in the directory. When I run my pipleine I first get the
> list of files using the Directory Generator, then make an XSL
> so I get something like this:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
>   <page xmlns:cinclude="http://apache.org/cocoon/include/1.0";>
>     <cinclude:include src="n_2003_02_24.news.xml" element="included" />
>     <cinclude:include src="n_2003_02_23_1.news.xml" element="included" />
>     <cinclude:include src="n_2003_02_23_0.news.xml" element="included" />
>   </page>
> Next step in my pipeline is to apply the CInclude transformer. As I said,
> renders but it takes some 1m30s. Of course, this is not acceptable.
> I tried switching to the CachingCIncludeTransformer and also to the
> XIncludeTransformer but unfortunately I had the same results.
> Does anybody had this problem?
> Thanks for reading.
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