In the absence of 'pruning' by the transformer, XSL requires the entire document be resident
in memory. This is because at any point, a template may refer to any node in the document.
This is a serious limitation when transforming large documents. While there has been some
discussion of 'pruning' (intelligently eliminating parts of the document object that won't be used)
in Xalan, I don't believe there are any implementations of it. I have solved a similar problem by
writing a custom Transformer. Its not that hard. I extended AbstractSAXTransformer and
implemented the startTransformingElement() and endTransformingElement() methods. The
other option is to buy more memory :-)


Simon Stanlake wrote:

I have a simple pipeline I'm using for some database->xml->xsl->xml->client
processing.  I start of with esql creating an xml document, then process it
with some xsl, then output using the xml serializer.  I'm processing a lot
of data, sometimes 100M at a time.  Maybe cocoon is not designed for this.

anyways, doing a 60M file causes my memory usage to jump up ~400M each time,
and it doesn't go down.  Eventually (pretty quickly actually) my system
grinds to a halt.  It happens when I add in the xsl step, no matter what xsl
stylesheet I use to perform the translation.  I am using noncaching stream
and event pipelines, and have incremental processing turned on.  all other
stuff is default.

two questions:
1) any suggestions?
2) I've tried unsuccessfully to use a different xsl transformer, both saxon7
and the latest Xalan, in hopes that it is a problem that comes with Xalan
2.3.1 (that ships with cocoon 2.0.4).  Can someone give me some tips on how
to switch transformers?

my setup...

RedHat 7.3 (kernel 2.4.18-24.7.x)
sun jdk 1.4.1_01
tomcat 4.1.18_LE_jdk1.4
cocoon 2.0.4

tomcat and cocoon are binary installs.  JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx256M (tho I've played
with several settings and no success).

Thanks in advance,

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