----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 11:05 AM
Subject: *** proposal to summarise - all, comments please ***

> Dear all,
> as in each and every newsgroup a lot of knowledge is in
> the flow of these discussions, however - most of the
> time nothing is really summarised and captured.
> I would like to propose that once a problem has been
> solved by the help of different 'brains' that the
> original poster of this problem posts a summary (which
> clearly says SUMMARY: .... in the headline) in which he
> briefly summarises the problem and the solution that
> worked for him finally.

I totally agree. But I would propose also to write something on cocoon wiky
when something so wonderful happens

> It would be very nice to post this condensed knowledge
> back to group then and I think it would facilitate
> finding and retrieval of this knowledge (also in the
> archives)!!

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