Guenther Schmidt wrote:
I've aggregated a document out of a static XML file and the output of the
request generator. The top level element of the request generator output
has its own namespace (unfortunately).
Due to the set namespace of the request Top element I have extreme
difficulty finding the proper XPath expression so that a <xsl:template
match="reguest????????"/> could be applied.

What would the propper XPath expression be (in regard to the namespace)?

FAQ. You could have been a bit more specific though. Declare the namespace for your request generator somewhere, usually this is done on the xsl:stylesheet. The prefix doesn't matter much, it is not necessary to use the same as in the source XML. You can add the prefix to the exclude-result-prefix-prefixes list so that your result document wouldn't be polluted. <xsl:stylesheet version="..." xmlns:req="uri:my:stupid:namespace" ... Use this prefix in match patterns: <xsl:template match="req:request">...


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