
the W3C says in XSLT 2.0:

"[...] When an instruction such as xsl:apply-templates or
xsl:for-each is used to process a sequence of items, the first item in
the sequence is processed with a context position of 1, the second item
with a context position of 2, and so on. The context position is
returned by the XPath expression fn:position()."

I tried it with cocoon 2/tomcat 4.1 , but it doesn't work within the
<xsl:apply-templates>-element. Instead it takes the position of the node
matched by the template. When I added an iteration with <xsl:for-each>,
it worked fine.
Anything wrong with my code or with cocoon ?

<xsl:template match="AwFall">
        <xsl:apply-templates select="Diagramm">
        <xsl:with-param name="map" select="position()"/>

With this the parameter 'map' is set to the position of <AwFall> not of
<Diagramm>, which is actually needed.

Thanks for any idea !

Rainer Ammermann

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