> I'm running Cocoon's SVG sample (under static-content, SVG 
> introduction page) under SuSe Linux 8.1. All works fine except for 
> the graphics. They don't show up, but generate loads of errors in 
> WEB-INF/logs instead.
> It says that it cannot find the reference key for each graphic. 
> Under the hood the SVG code is serialized to .PNG format. 
> Under Windows everything works fine. The copy of Cocoon is 
> exacltly the same as under Linux. 
> Does anyone know where I could find the problem? Could it have 
> anything to do with user-rights? I have full-access to the Linux 
> box. Tomcat runs under a username called wwwrun with no group 
> attached to it. Every file under cocoon is owned by wwwrun:nogroup 
> and has ugo+rwx.

Are the pngs created at all? One common problem was, that
die SVG serializer needs access to the X11 DISPLAY for some
versions of AWT. I think it's not a problem for JDK 1.4.1.

Something like 

/usr/X11R6/bin/Xvfb :1 -screen 0 800x600x8 &
export DISPLAY=:1

in your catalina.sh  should help. 


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