
I have a problem displaying an image in a stylesheet:

I have read the stuff on
http://wiki.cocoondev.org/Wiki.jsp?page=ServingStaticFiles "Serving
Static Files" but I can't get it to work.
It sais in the end there is another why serving images through apache.
How does that work?

For now I tried to generate, transform and serialize the image because
as is explain on wiki: "the Reader method won't work for a static HTML

What generator do I use to generate images?

Can anybody please help?

This is what I wrote in the sitemap:

<!-- images -->         
<map:match pattern="img">
   <map:generate src="img" type="imagedirectory"/>
   <map:transform src="img.xsl"/>
   <map:serialize type="html"/>
<map:match pattern="img/**">
   <map:read src="img/{1}"/>

Many thanks!


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