The (X)HTML forms can be easily done using Cocoon. You can use the
FormValidator Transformer to Validate the forms.

If you wish database support you can also make use of Modular Database

On the other hand. I have no experience in writting XSL-FO forms. I dont
know if we can use the PDF Serializer to create PDF Forms. :-(

I already use XSL-FO but not to create forms.

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

Ines Robbers dijo:
> Dear Antonio,
> These forms should be available online as well as being printable.
> Depending on the form it can either be filled in and send back online or
> in case of serious issues such as an application the form should be
> printable so that people can send it back by post.
> Only in the future online applications will be allowed when the digital
> signature has been established.
> The current format of the forms are pdf (example:
> I guess it would be nice to have versions in XHTML and PDF at least.
> The problem is that I have no idea how Cocoon handles forms and how I
> should go about this.
> I'd appreciate your help!
> Ines
> Antonio Gallardo:
> * Please be a little more specific. The forms will be filled
> * online or just printed by your customer and sended back to you via.
> Ines Robbers:
> * > We want to use Cocoon for our forms (application forms etc.). It  *
>> should be something like a "form center". What is the best
> * > approach to realise this? Are there any examples on the net?
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