On 12.Mar.2003 -- 03:21 PM, Markus Wolf wrote:
> I'm trying to use the request attribute output module
> without the prefix "org.apache.cocoon.acting.AbstractDatabaseAction:".
> As I read in the ApiDocs there is a setup option key-prefix which
> could be set. I've found a likewise configuration value in the
> modular db sample.
> It isn't in the cocoon.xconf by default, because if is is not listed
> there the default (as mentioned above) is taken.
> Here is a short example of my xconf setting:
> <output-modules>
>   <component-instance
> class="org.apache.cocoon.components.modules.output.RequestAttributeOutputModule"
> logger="core.modules.output" name="request-attr">
>     <key-prefix />
>   </component-instance>
> </output-modules>
> This result in the exception I stated above. When I insert e.g. test as
> key-prefix value everythink seems to work right and I'll get "test:" as
> prefix for my request attributes.
> So what I exactly want is no prefix and this isn't possible because of the
> avalon configuration used here.
> Any idea?

you could try to write <key-prefix></key-prefix>
or update to latest CVS version. Just checked in a fix.

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