Delis, Christopher E. wrote:
> why don't you logically split up the queries?  you can always
> aggregate the results of many into one resulting xml file...

Dear Christopher,

may be that is the soltuion, the problem is that I am not very familiar at
this level of modeling with XSP. If I got that right you suggest the

the original XSP has the following structure:




            <!-- several other sections, all filled with queries  -->

Does logically splitup mean, I can have several XSP files, such as the

The first main XSP

            <!-- results of metadatageneral.xsp here included -->
           <!-- results of metadatatechnical.xsp here included -->

Is this possible? I am sorry if this sounds a bit dumb, but the problem is
really that I am not familiar with this kind of technique. A hint on where
to find additional documentation on this issue would be great.


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