No, that's the same ...
When the .html is called, the XSP can use the <xsp-request:get-parameter>
However, it calls a new match, where the values of the request are no longer 

That's exactly my problem.

> I don't know if it's possible but why don't you try this :
> <map:match pattern="db/*/*.xsp">
>                 <map:generate src="db/{1}/{2}.xsp" type="xsp"/>
>           <map:transform src="xsl/db.generatexsp.xsl"/>
>           <map:serialize type="xml"/>
> </map:match>
> <map:match pattern="db/*/*.html">
>             <map:generate src="cocoon:/db/{1}/{2}.xsp"/>
>            <map:serialize type="xml"/>
> </map:match>
> Lionel
> At 22:44 17/03/2003 +0100, you wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I need to pass request parameters from one XSP to another
> >
> >This is my sitemap
> >                         <map:match pattern="db/*/*.xsp">
> >                                 <map:generate src="db/{1}/{2}.xsp"
> > type="xsp"/>
> >                                 <map:transform
> > src="xsl/db.generatexsp.xsl"/> <map:serialize type="xml"/>
> >                         </map:match>
> >                         <map:match pattern="db/*/*.html">
> >                                 <map:generate
> >src="http://web/implements/db/{1}/{2}.xsp"/>
> >
> >                                 <map:serialize type="xml"/>
> >                         </map:match>
> >
> >As you can see, I call the XSP from my call to the HTML.
> >I need one XSP as a generator, because it must execute an ESQL query.
> >But, the XSP called in that match (html match) calls another XSP that uses
> >the
> >request parameters.
> >
> >However, they are not passed in that call.  I cannot use <map:parameter
> >name="use-request-parameters"> since this is for a transformer.
> >
> >I need the same kind of thing, but for a generator.
> >
> >Anyone with an idea ??
> >
> >Some code:
> >
> >This is my XSP that is called:
> ><?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
> ><xsp:page language="java"
> >                         xmlns:xsp="";
> >                        
> > xmlns:xsp-request="";
> > xmlns:xsp-session="";
> > create-session="true">
> >
> >         <xml>
> >                 <query>
> >                         select fnSiteRegisteredUserInsert
> >('<xsp-request:get-parameter name="email"/>',
> >                                                
> > '<xsp-request:get-parameter name="password"/>')
> >                 </query>
> >                 <results>
> >                         <result>
> >                                 <value>0</value>
> >                                 <message>You have been
> > registered</message> </result>
> >                 </results>
> >                 <errors>
> >                         <error>
> >                                 <value>ERROR: Cannot insert a duplicate
> > key into unique index tblsiteregistereduser_login_key</value>
> >                                 <message>You already exist</message>
> >                         </error>
> >                 </errors>
> >         </xml>
> ></xsp:page>
> >
> >As you can see, that needs the parameters.
> >
> >
> >This is the XSL for transformation to a valid XSP
> >
> ><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> ><xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
> >         xmlns:xsl="";
> >         xmlns:fo="";
> >                         xmlns:xsp="";
> >                         xmlns:esql="";
> >                        
> > xmlns:xsp-request="";
> > xmlns:xsp-session="";
> >
> >
> >
> >         <xsl:template match="/xml">
> >                 <xsp:page language="java" create-session="true">
> >
> >                         <xml>
> >
> >                         <esql:connection>
> >                                 <esql:pool>implements</esql:pool>
> >
> >                                 <esql:execute-query>
> >                                         <esql:query>
> >                                                 <xsl:value-of
> > select="query"/>
> >                                         </esql:query>
> >
> >                                         <esql:results>
> >                                                 <esql:row-results>
> >                                                         <result>
> >
> ><esql:get-columns/>
> >                                                         </result>
> >                                                 </esql:row-results>
> >                                         </esql:results>
> >
> >                                         <esql:error-results>
> >
> ><error><esql:get-message/></error>
> >                                         </esql:error-results>
> >                                 </esql:execute-query>
> >                         </esql:connection>
> >
> >                         </xml>
> >                 </xsp:page>
> >         </xsl:template>
> ></xsl:stylesheet>
> >
> >--
> >Met vriendelijke groeten,
> >Kind regards,
> >Bien à vous,
> >
> >Yves Vindevogel
> >
> >Implements
> >Kempische Steenweg 206  --  3500 Hasselt  --  Belgium
> >Phone/Fax: +32 (11) 43.55.76  --  Mobile: +32 (478) 80.82.91
> >Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  --
> >
> >Quote: The winner never says participating is more important than winning.
> >
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Met vriendelijke groeten,
Kind regards,
Bien à vous,

Yves Vindevogel

Kempische Steenweg 206  --  3500 Hasselt  --  Belgium
Phone/Fax: +32 (11) 43.55.76  --  Mobile: +32 (478) 80.82.91

Quote: The winner never says participating is more important than winning.

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