Ferran Urgell wrote:
> Hello Cocooners!
> I'm interested to do Postcript and XLS files...But I don't know how
> to do...
> Which type of Serializer I have to use in the sitemap ? Where I can
> get information about Xsl-Fo, to transform Xml into a XLS or
> Postcript files ?
> Thanks
> Ferran
A good introduction into XSL-FO can be found on http://www.ibiblio.org/xml/books/biblegold/chapters/ch18.html
You Need:
- A XML-File with data.
- A XSL-FO file which describes the layout.
- FileGenerator = To generate SAX-Events of the XML-File.
- TraxTransformer = Transform XML to XSL-FO
- FOPSerializer = Serializes XSL-FO to PDF, PostScript, ...
Best regards
Stephan Niedermeier

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