Hi, all.

I've found some documents at Wiki and some threads in the mailing list about
integrating servlets in Cocoon, but not the other way round. And that's what
I need.

I have a webapp in JSP and Servlets and I need to integrate some
URLs processed by Cocoon for a news system I've built.
I realize I need to make a cross context call, from my context to Cocoon's.
I've tried with Tomcat and Websphere. I could make the Cocoon context
accesible by my app but could not include the result of the Cocoon
processing in my JSP.

Has anybody tried this? I have tried using a RequestDispatcher but it fails
throwing a 'Cannot add header. Response already committed.:
java.lang.IllegalStateException'. Any pointers would be much appreciated.


ps: I'm copying both lists cause I honestly don't know which one is best
suited for this question. Sorry for any inconvenience.

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