On 18/3/03 20:14, "Tony Collen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Reading this great article [1] (Thanks Pier!), I realized that the
> mod_rewrite stuff could possibly be worked around using virtualhosts.  I'm
> not too familliar with Apache HTTPD 2, but I assume setting up vhosts is
> not much different.  Would it not make sense to create a static.domain.com
> host (if you have the access and resources), and serve up all of your
> images and resources out of there?
> This would allow you to totally ignore the mod_rewrite nastiness.  The
> only problem I could see is having to directly reference static resources
> with the full domain, for example:
> <img src="http://static.domain.com/foo.png"/>
> Then again, it's not all that much different than
> <img src="/static/foo.png"/>
> Since they are both absolute paths. Any thoughts on best practices?

You are absolutely utterly right...

We use this approach in production: all (most) images from
<http://www.vnunet.com/> (my employer's) end up to...

We're still not using cocoon, but I'm working on it! :-) :-)


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