
I can´t get any information from the session-context "portal".

Following situation:
1. Coplet resource uri: <resource uri="cocoon:/sunspotdemo-test"/>
2. pipeline in sitemap.xmap: <map:match pattern="sunspotdemo-test">
<map:generate src="resources/auth/test.xsp" type="serverpages"/>
<map:transform type="session"/>
<map:serialize type="xml"/>
3. xsp - file test.xsp (excerpt):
<xsp:page xmlns:xsp="http://apache.org/xsp";
URI:<session:getxml context="portal" path="/configuration/uri"/><br/>
color:<session:getxml context="portal" path="/layout/coplets/content/background/color"/>

Test.xsp is called and executed (I do some more other things inside it which work fine) but the strings after URI: and color: are emtpy.

Thanks Helmut

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