On Tue, 25 Mar 2003, Geoff Howard wrote:

> Ok, you're not crazy - the build is in fact broken.  Sort of.  What is
> broken is
> an old validation target that was recently put back in (validate-jars in
> src/targets/validate-build.xml).  It appears that everything is actually
> built correctly,
> but this old target has not been correctly updated to deal with blocks (at
> least on
> windows).  By the way, sorry for accusing you of using the old build
> method - I was looking at your second attempt using -D instead of
> build.properties and leapt to conclusions.
> For now, your quickest bet is to go to src/targets/webapp-build.xml and find
> the line:
> <target name="webapp" ...
> and remove the string validate-jars (and the comma) from the depends
> attribute (try line 127, column 191 or so)
> Unfortunately, when validate-jars was put back in, an override mechanism
> wasn't added so you're stuck manually editing the build file for now.
> I'll be submitting a patch to first of all add the override mechanism so
> that this won't trip people up until the target is fixed.

Hmm, I don't get any problems with the validate-jars target, perhaps an
windows-only problem.

> (speaking to developers now)
> Unfortunately, fixing the target looks non-trivial to me.  The problem seems
> to be that moving the jar libs into src/blocks broke the basic mechanism.
> The filter on @JARS@ into build/temp/current-jars.xml for the blocks jars
> produces entries like:
> <jar>D:/eclipse/workspace/cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/batik/lib/batik-all-1.5b2.ja
> r</jar>
> On quick inspection, check-jars.xsl seems to be looking for literal string
> matches from lib/jars.xml which will be impossible if fileset is returning
> absolute paths.  I tried various combinations of relative paths with no
> success.  Either some trick is needed to make
> <xsl:if test="count($directory/jars/jar[normalize-space(text()) = $this]) =
> 0">
>       <xsl:message terminate="yes">
> allow relative paths to match the absolute path (don't this this is
> feasible?)
> or
> fileset needs to be made/configured to return relative paths (don't know ant
> well enough myself)
> or
> some other means of checking jars needs to be devised (custom task?).
> Is this broken only on windows, or does this affect *nix and mac?

Can you send me your build/cocoon-2.1-dev/temp/current-jars.xml, then I'll
check this.


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