
I want to have a XMLForm view with a code that could be (I think) like this:

<xf:repeat nodeset="variable">
  <xf:output ref="variableName"/>
  <xf:output ref="variableValue"/>
  <xf:output ref="variableOrder"/>

My goal is to display an array like this:



variableName    variableValue   variableOrder
------------    -------------   -------------
server          sfh3344         1
display         red                     2


My problem is that I don't know in which object (Collection, Array, HashMap, etc...) I 
could store this "variable" for the <repeat> tag. The data come from a database.

In the wizard example the author uses a HashMap.
But in this case I think it's not possible.

Is anyone could help me?

Sylvain (T)

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