A great question I'd be interested in.  I've not heard anyone doing this, so
if you
don't get an answer you'll need to dig into it yourself.  The first thing
I'd try is
to see how xsltc (I assume you're using that) handles precomiled
stylesheets.  What
does it expect as its source?  A classname?  It may be as simple as setting
cocoon to use xsltc (see archives and wiki) and passing the classname in the
attribute of the transformer.

Please report back what you find and I (or others) can help evaluate what
changes would be necessary to accomodate this if it doesn't just work

Are you using 2.1dev or 2.0.4?

Geoff Howard

-----Original Message-----
From: jcplerm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 11:02 PM
Subject: Shipping compiled translets rather than XSL files in plain text

Is it possible to deploy Cocoon applications at customer sites just by
installing compiled versions of XSL stylesheets (translets) rather than
supplying them in plain text format?


Julio Lerm
Chicago, IL

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