The xsp-logic tag is allowed before the page tag too.
But in that section should be declared a class or a method like
String myMethod(){
 return "string";
This declared method can used in the page section.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 9:10 AM
Subject: Re: [XSP] <expr> not for int?

the <xsp:logic> tag should be between the <page> tag.


At 11:21 02/04/2003 +0200, you wrote:
>the following XSP causes an LanguageException:
><?xml version="1.0" ?>
><xsp:page language="java"
>  xmlns:xsp="">
>  <xsp:logic>
>   int value = 1;
>   value = value + 1;
>  </xsp:logic>
>  <page>
>   <title>PageTitle</title>
>   <content>
>    1 + 1 = <xsp:expr>value</xsp:expr>
>   </content>
>  </page>
>The exception says:
>org.apache.cocoon.components.language.LanguageException: Error compiling
>Line 69, column 22: <identifier> expected
>Line 69, column 16: class value not found in class
>Line 0, column 0:
>2 errors
>After changing the type from int to String, the XSP works:
><?xml version="1.0" ?>
><xsp:page language="java"
>  xmlns:xsp="">
>  <xsp:logic>
>   String value = "1";
>   value = "2";
>  </xsp:logic>
>  <page>
>   <title>PageTitle</title>
>   <content>
>    1 + 1 = <xsp:expr>value</xsp:expr>
>   </content>
>  </page>
>Why? Doesn't <xsp:expr> automatically convert int to String?
>Thank you!
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