Hi all,

I've been using Cocoon since quite some time now, and I'm doing pretty much 
everything with it.  However, I miss one thing.

As a development project leader, coordinating a team, I found it very 
difficult to create large websites (like 500 screens on database with 75 
tables) that are consistent and easy to manage (afterwards).  Changes in 
functional specifications were horrible.

I was therefore looking for a system to "describe" pages, rather than to code 
them.  I've been doing my own development on this, giving me nice results in 
Cocoon.  What I do is this: I describe my page in XML, and then use that 
description as a generator in a pipeline.  I put on some transformations, and 
finally, my page is constructed in html with some xsl stylesheets.

But, before I develop any further, I would like to know if there are similar 
projects on-going.

On XMLForms.  They seem to handle form validation.  I can include that for 
validating forms, but it does not describe a page completely, does it ?  E.g. 
you can't describe a menu in it, like the menu on the left in 

On Sunrise.  Sunrise seems to be able to handle authentication on forms, but, 
it does not go into the form itself, where a part of the form may be 
different according to the user that is logged in.  Right ?

So, I don't find a whole concept within Cocoon.
Let me show you some examples below, to clarify what I mean.

Below is the description of a simple menu.
All links are visible to everybody, except the link to the helpdesk, which is 
only accessible when you are logged in as a client (this is kept in the 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

                <menu href="users/client/xml.login.html" label="Login"/>
                <menu href="users/client/xml.forgotpass.html" label="Forgot 
                <menu id="helpdesk" href="helpdesk/tab.index.html" 

                <menu id="helpdesk">
                        <usergroup name="client" visible="true"/>

The example below describes a screen.  A query is executed, and, if results 
are found, a list is shown with two columns in it.  If not, a message is 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<xsp:page language="java"

                        select st.oid, st.subject, st.tickettype
                                from tblSupportTicket st inner join 
tblSupportTicketEntry te on st.oid = te.ticket
                                        inner join tblSiteUser su on te.login = 
                                where te.parententry is null
                                        and su.login = '<xsp-session:get-attribute 

                                                <field name="subject" 


                                                <field name="tickettype" 
label="Ticket Type"/>
                                <p>No active tickets available.</p>

Below a final example.  I receive the results from a form (there's no XMLForm 
validation in it yet).  I use a Postgresql plsql function, that tries to 
insert the data in the database.  The function returns values 0 
(ok,inserted), 1 - 4 (errors, but not against the database itself, logical 
errors), or a real error when you have a duplicate login.  (I know I can 
check on blanks differently, but for now, I used this method)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<xsp:page language="java"

                        select fnSiteUserStandardInsert (
                                '<xsp-request:get-parameter name="login"/>',
                                '<xsp-request:get-parameter name="email"/>',
                                '<xsp-request:get-parameter name="password"/>',
                                '<xsp-request:get-parameter name="reenter"/>'
                                <title>Thank you</title>
                                        <p>Thank you for registering.</p>
                                        <p>An email has been sent to you to 
confirm your registration. When this mail arrives, click on the link inside.
                                        This will confirm your registration 
                                        <p>Thanks again for 

                                <title>Error while registering</title>
                                        <p>The passwords you entered are not 
                                 <button value="Back">history.back()</button>
                                <title>Error while registering</title>
                                        <p>The password cannot be empty or all 
                                 <button value="Back">history.back()</button>
                                <title>Error while registering</title>
                                        <p>The login cannot be empty or all 
                                 <button value="Back">history.back()</button>
                                <title>Error while registering</title>
                                        <p>The email address cannot be empty or all 
                                 <button value="Back">history.back()</button>

                                <value>ERROR:  Cannot insert a duplicate key 
into unique index tblsiteregistereduser_login_key</value>
                                <title>Error while registering</title>
                                        <p>There's already an entry on that email 
address in our database<br/>You seem to be a registered user already.</p>
                                        <p>If you have forgotten your 
password, you can have it resent to you on this <a 
                                                If you want to enter a different 
email addres, click on the "Back" button below."

                                <button value="Back">history.back()</button>

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Kind regards,
Bien à vous,

Yves Vindevogel

Kempische Steenweg 206  --  3500 Hasselt  --  Belgium
Phone/Fax: +32 (11) 43.55.76  --  Mobile: +32 (478) 80.82.91
Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  --  www.implements.be

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