Let me know what you guys think about this.

The general idea these days is to seperate content logic and style, as cocoon does very well. However, I think it is even better if you can seperate structure from style. The way i have done this in the past is with template calling in xsl. However, I think it would be much cleaner to have two style sheet transformations in cocoon, one that takes content to structure, and another that takes structure to style.

For example, if I had an employee database that output xml like this (content):

<employee id=2>
  <name>Some Name</name>

I would then transform it to some structural language like this:

<box title="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
<section title="details">
<section title="some other section">

And then finally transform the structural elements to some sort of presentational form.

Preferably the structural language would consist of as few as possible elements, maybe a couple types of box's, a couple types of lists, a couple types of sections, etc.

Do people do stuff like this already, and if so are there any good xml languages that one could use to describe structure?


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