Hi Ali,

Ali Mesbah wrote:

Hi all,
I have a problem and don't know if it is a bug in Cocoon or if I'm doing
something wrong.

What I have is a pipeline which transforms an XML (source) file into an XSLT
(target) stylesheet:

<map:match pattern="xms/test">
  <map:generate src="xms/resources/combined.xml"/>
  <map:transform src="xms/styles/Meta_output.xsl"/>
  <map:serialize type="xml"/>

now I'd like to use the output as the source of another pipeline:

<map:match pattern="view/*">
  <map:generate src="xms/resources/{1}.xml"/>
  <map:transform src="cocoon:/xms/test"/>
  <map:serialize type="html"/>

I don't get any errors but the HTML output of the "view" pipeline is not the expected (I have checked the output of the first pipeline and that is correct. I assume it has something to do with the way I use "cocoon:/..." as the source of the second transformer). Any ideas?

Your pipelines look OK (if I didn't miss anything). You're using the cocoon: protocol correctly. I also tried this kind of "stylesheet generation" (using XSP) and it worked very well. So I guess your problem is somewhere in the last transformation step.

You can try to set the log level to DEBUG and look at the sitemap
log to see if the correct steps are executed.

The next debugging step could be to save the output of your first
pipeline as an XSLT file and to use this directly without the
cocoon: protocol.


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