I have tested LDAP, and after two days I have come to a result... I
don't have any errors i my page, but I get following :
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" ?> 
  <LDAPUSER xmlns:ldap="http://apache.org/cocoon/LDAP/1.0";>
        <LDAP xmlns="http://apache.org/cocoon/LDAP/1.0"; /> 

My pipeline is like this :
         <map:match pattern="ldaptest">
            <map:generate src="workflowmanager/documents/ldaptest.xml"
            <map:transform type="ldap" />
            <map:serialize type="xml" /> 

Now, I think (and hope) my page is correct, but how can I display some
results? My xml file is detailled here : 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<LDAPUSER xmlns:ldap="http://apache.org/cocoon/LDAP/1.0";>

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