Matthias Brunner wrote:

On Thursday 05 June 2003 23:46, Alexander Schatten wrote:

I use Tomcat 4 and Cocoon 2 and SQLTransformer, mySQL.

Interestingly, everything works fine on Windows XP; German Umlauts
are entered correctly into the database, and displayed correctly
when HTML is created from the table.

The *same* sitemap file (with added <encoding> tags in sql, xsl
and html transformers) does not work correctly on Linux.

On the other Linux box, not even the writing to the database
works, there the german Umlauts are replaced with two characters.
Has anybody on idea about this strange behavious? it really looks
like it could have something to do with the OS, JVM...?

Hello Landsmann,

what is the LANG environment variable set to? Apparently, this can have some influence on the JVM. Try setting it to LANG=de.
Actually, it should work without that but I was not able to figure it out.

GREAT! thank you, that was the solution; it works on all systems now correctly.

however, I believe one should add this encoding point into the documentation, because as far as I know neither the fact, that there is an <encoding> tag nor your important fact about this environment var seems to be in the Cocoon docs.

may I pose a second (though not Cocoon related question): where would you put this environment variable setting to, so that it will be set even after reboot? .bashrc will not be the correct location, I believe? should I modify the cocoon startup batch?

thank you very much!


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