On 27.May.2003 -- 04:47 PM, Gould, Troy (ELS) wrote:
> I'm using cocoon 2.0.4 and having difficulties with the
> xsp-util:include-expr and xsp:expr tags.
> I have a method in a class that returns a XML Document as a String which I
> want to utilize within an xsp page.  However, I don't want the string to
> come back as text because the '<' tag (and others) will be escaped as &lt;.
> I want the returned xml string to become part of the SAX stream.

> Then, I went to using:
> <xsp:logic>
> String testDoc = WebServiceClient.getDocument("testDoc.xml");
> <content>
> </content>       

(mind the whitespace!) or

  <util:include-expr expr="testDoc"/>

> </xsp:logic>
> All this was doing was printing out XML with util:include-expr and util:expr
> as tags.  The tag processor seems to not be processing my util namespace
> tags.

So, do you use the correct namespace for them? Does your XSP have a
correct structure (e.g. some top level tag starting the page?)

> The real problem is can I use XSP to get a XML Document as a String and
> still have it put into the SAX stream as a Node or do I need to just write
> my own custom generator to do this instead?

This is possible from XSP.

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