
I'm using Cocoon 2.0.4 with Tomcat 4.0.4 and Apache 1.3.26.

Analyzing the sunspotdemoportal found in Cocoon 2.0.4 I have the impression
that there is something wrong in the resource file sunrise-deluser.xml:

The file has 3 sections:
- delete from sunrise users => OK
- delete user profile => OK
- delete user status profile => possible bug in "sunshine:fragment".

context="request" path="/parameter/ID" />.xml ></sunshine:file>

The first time that the deluser resource is used it will substitute the
status-profile element with an empty user-data element. Successive calls to
the same resources may not find a status-profile element and add an
additional empty user-delta element to the file.

Comparing the sunSpot documentation and comparing the "delete user status
profile" section with the "delete user profile" section on file
sunrise-deluser.xml, I think the sunshine:fragment has to be modified as


- Do you agree?

Additional question:

Why deleting a sunrise user you don't delete also the userstatus and
userprofile files, instead to put on them empty user-delta and
status-profile elements? After deleting a lot of user you have twice as many
unused files in the profiles directory...



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