On 02.Jun.2003 -- 09:20 AM, Miles Egan wrote:
> Is there any way to match/select in the pipeline for the HTTP method
> used in the request?  I'd like to write a pipeline for handling PUT
> requests.

Another possibility is to construct your own Matcher from the
(Caching)WildCardMatcher in o.a.c.matching.modular and the
RequestInputModule :

         <!-- ... -->

  <map:matchers default="wildcard">
    <map:matcher name="host-matcher"
      <input-module name="request"/>

         <!-- ... -->


         <!-- ... -->

     <map:match type="host-matcher" pattern="localhost">
         <!-- ... -->

         <!-- ... -->

The above snippet is taken from the mail block sample for sendmail and
checks for the server name. Adjusting it to your needs should be

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