We offer a support license on our CMS that contains Cocoon, Tomcat, an XML database, publishing framework and editor. If you don't need a complete content management package, then you could go for our pure Cocoon support option. We can provide hosting if needed and will supply you with a ready-to-go installation.
We have Cocoon (2.0.5 & 2.1) running in about 50 serious projects, not including those of our partners. Don't hesitate to mail or call me if you need my support in convincing your boss.

Arje Cahn

Arjé Cahn, Software Department
Hippo Webworks
Grasweg 35
1031 HW Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel  +31 (0)20 6345173
Fax +31 (0)20 6345179
arje (at) hippo (dot) nl / www.hippo.nl

-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph Goers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Posted At: 03 June 2003 01:44
Posted To: Cocoon User List
Conversation: Cocoon usage
Subject: Cocoon usage

I am proposing that Cocoon be used in the project I am working on.  My boss wants some assurance that he isn't jumping off a cliff by agreeing to this - although the rest of my development team is convinced.  He would like answers to a couple of questions:
1. What "big" companies are using Cocoon in production?  (I've seen the Cocoon links and am not sure which ones would qualify).
2. What kind of performance are they getting?
3. If we wanted to who could we purchase a support contract from to provide support for Cocoon?  I've already looked at the code and am quite sure we could do it ourselves, but I'd like to provide him with options.

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