From: "Mato Mira, Fernando" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > From: Mato Mira, Fernando [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >   I am placing the i18n transformer just before serialization
> > and it's not
> > working. The namespace
> > is declared in the i18n:translate element itself.
> >
> > Cocoon version: 2.1m2
> The transformer does not accept the 2.0 namespace. It has to be the 2.1
> for it to work. I guess this is a bug.

Ah, I see.

If you read the warning message carefully, then you'll see that it's not a
bug, but a feature. If you are using i18n transformer from Cocoon 2.1 or
higher then you should update your stylesheets also, because the syntax was
slightly changed and that's why a new namespace used.

I don't think that it was a good decision to drop support for the old
syntax, but otherwise you wouldn't know about the changes in syntax and I
had no enough time to maintain that. Also, I think that it's quite easy to
implement an XSLT stylesheet to make automatic conversion of your pages. Any
help with it is apreciated.

-- Konstantin

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